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IRS Form 5472: Does Your Business Need to File?

Is your U.S.-based business owned by a non-U.S. citizen? Then you need to know about IRS Form 5472. Does your non-U.S. company do business in the U.S.? Then you, too, need to learn more about Form...


How Do I File a California Annual Report for My LLC?

As a business owner in the Golden State, there are certain things you need to stay on top of — one of which is filing an annual report.


Do I Still Need to File My Annual Report If I Haven't Made Any Sales?

Many business owners choose to form a business as a separate legal entity, such as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a corporation. These types of businesses give you lots of...


What Happens If You Don't File an Annual Report (All Business Entities Covered)

There’s a lot of paperwork you need to complete and file when you’re running a business, and one of the most common is the annual report. While requirements for completing and returning...


How to Prepare an Annual Report for Your Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Annual report preparation can be a challenge. You must cover all necessary information, and it's important to make sure your report is clear, concise, and visually appealing. You'll need to choose a...


Delaware Annual Report: 2023 Due Date, Tax Info, and More

Corporations and nonprofits registered in Delaware must file their annual report online with the Delaware Secretary of State by March 1, 2023. Failure to meet this deadline can result in late fees...


What Are the 5 Financial Statements for an Annual Report?

Companies both big and small rely on annual reports to paint the financial health of their business. Not only that, but it is also a requirement in most states to file an annual report, and failure...


What Is the Difference Between 10-K and 20-F?

When you run your own business, navigating the IRS' tax regulations can be a headache.


California LLCs: Don't Miss Filing Form LLC-12

You've formed your California LLC and you're enjoying running a business in the Sunshine State. Your official business paperwork is all done, right? Actually, no.